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We are excited to announce an upcoming virtual Certified Parent Peer Specialist training in September 2024!


This Virtual (Zoom-based) Certified Parent Peer Specialist training is supported by Each One Teach One, LLC and Access to Independence.


Training Dates: September 20-22, 27-29 (Friday-Sunday)

Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm

Location: Virtual (Zoom-Platform)

Trainers: Dominique Christian & Tara Wilhelmi

Training serves: All BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Wisconsin Residents

Training Cost: Free for participants


When to Apply (and Deadlines/Closing)

A button will appear below this section with the words “Click Here to Apply” at the time applications open. Click that button to access the application form for this training.

Applications Open: Friday, July 12th, 2024 at 12PM (Noon)

Application Deadline: Friday, August 9th, 2024 at 12PM (Noon)


We have already received 50 application submissions or the application deadline has passed. We are unable to consider any more applications for this training.


Possible Early Closing of Applications:

A maximum of 50 applications will be considered. If 50 applications are received prior to the application deadline (see above), the application form will automatically close and no additional applications will be received.


Determining Eligibility and Fit

The following are required to be eligible to apply for this CPPS training:

  • Dedicated to promoting recovery opportunities in the lives of Parent Peers
  • Must have first-hand lived experience parenting a youth with social, emotional, behavioral concerns/substance use concerns
  • Must be a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Wisconsin Residents
  • Must have at least a high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Must be 18 years of age or older

20-22 participants will be selected for this training. To be considered for selection, you must meet the basic eligibility requirements above, submit an application form, and complete an interview. There is no training registration cost for participants.

Applying for this or any CPPS training does not guarantee selection as a participant.

Applications received are reviewed by trainers in full, and a variety of criteria may determine whether an applicant is asked to interview and possibly participate in a training. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Whether or not the applicant meets the basic eligibility requirements to become a Certified Parent Peer Specialist (18 or older, possesses either a high school diploma or GED, is a Wisconsin resident, has first-hand lived experience parenting a youth with social, emotional, behavioral concerns/substance use concerns)
  • Whether or not the applicant meets secondary eligibility requirements that are training-specific (belongs to the county, tribe, region, and/or community served by the particular training)
  • Whether or not the applicant is seeking employment or is already employed in a peer support position and/or a supervisory role to CPPS (trainings are intended to serve workforce development efforts as part of an employment initiative)
  • Whether or not the applicant is a community member looking to use their personal experiences to support others towards recovery/wellness/meaningful living
  • How well the applicant is able to demonstrate an understanding of recovery principles, especially in such a way that supports self-determination of people with lived experience
  • Whether or not the applicant has experience offering peer support in a professional or personal setting

Because this training is the pre-requisite to registering for the state-approved CPPS exam, and a pathway to working in a professional peer support role, applications demonstrating the following may not be given priority in the application review process:

  • Applicants seeking this certification simply as a resume booster
  • Applicants looking to obtain the certification but not go on to work in the role of a CPPS or CPPS supervisor
  • Applicants looking to use this training as the “next step in their recovery”
  • Applicants who show they do not support many pathways to recovery
  • Applicants only seeking certification in order to bill as a CPPS while providing non-CPPS services


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the role of a Certified Parent Peer Specialist before applying. Click here to learn more about the role and work of a Certified Parent Peer Specialist.

Filling Out and Submitting the Online Application

First, we highly recommend filling out and submitting the online training application form using a desktop computer or tablet and not a smart phone.

It is important that you answer all required questions (marked with an asterisk) on the online training application form. There are also formatting requirements in regard to dates and other fields (such as email address). If required fields are not answered in the application form or the fields are entered incorrectly, it will register as an error and your application will not be submitted to us when you press the “submit” button.

This is what happens if you try to submit an application with errors:

  • Applicant presses “submit” button
  • Instead of being redirected to the “application submission page,” the training application form page reloads
  • This page now contains language telling the hopeful applicant that some fields were entered incorrectly (applicant may need to scroll down to see this)
  • Incorrectly filled out or missing fields are highlighted in red
  • Applicant should fix errors and resubmit
  • Upon successfully addressing errors, the application submission page with a timestamp will appear (we recommend you print or save a print screen of this page when it appears) and a copy of the application will be sent to the applicant’s email address they provided alongside an outline of next steps

Please note: If the application form or event page reloads instead of the “application submission page,” there is something wrong with your application, and you will need to follow the instructions to address any errors.

What to Expect After Applying

Once the application deadline has passed or 50 applications are received (whichever is sooner), trainers will be sent applications to review, contact up to 30 applicants out of the total applicant pool for virtual interviews, and then select a final cohort of training participants after conducting virtual interviews. Though a maximum of 30 people will be contacted for interviews, everyone can expect to hear back about the final decision in regard to their application.

Please know that it may take some time for participant selection to be finalized, and we ask for your patience. Final selection decisions for this training may not be made until Friday, August 30th, 2024.

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This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

We are excited to announce an upcoming virtual Certified Peer Specialist training in September 2024!


This Virtual (Zoom-based) Certified Peer Specialist training is supported by Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Access to Independence.


Training Dates: September 9-11, 16-18, 23-25, 30 October 1, 7-8

Hours: Mon-Wed: 4:30pm-8:30pm

Location: Virtual – Zoom

Trainers: Cano Padilla & Tamra Oman

Training serves: Residents of Buffalo, Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Lafayette, Monroe, Ozaukee, Richland, Sauk, Trempealeau, Washington, Waukesha, and Vernon counties.

Training Cost: Free for participants


When to Apply (and Deadlines/Closing)

A button will appear below this section with the words “Click Here to Apply” at the time applications open. Click that button to access the application form for this training.

Applications Open: Monday, July 1st, 2024 at 12PM (Noon)

Application Deadline: Monday, July 29th, 2024 at 12pm (Noon)


We have already received 50 application submissions, or the application deadline has passed. We are unable to consider any more applications for this training.


Possible Early Closing of Applications:

A maximum of 50 applications will be considered. If 50 applications are received prior to the application deadline (see above), the application form will automatically close and no additional applications will be received.


Determining Eligibility and Fit

The following are required to be eligible to apply for this CPS training:

  • Must self-identify as having navigated personal lived experience of mental health and/or substance use challenges
  • Must reside in Buffalo, Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Lafayette, Monroe, Ozaukee, Richland, Sauk, Trempealeau, Washington, Waukesha, and Vernon Counties.
  • Must have at least a high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Must be 18 years of age or older

20-22 participants will be selected for this training. To be considered for selection, you must meet the basic eligibility requirements above, submit an application form, and complete an interview. There is no training registration cost for participants.

Applying for this or any CPS training does not guarantee selection as a participant.

Applications received are reviewed by trainers in full, and a variety of criteria may determine whether an applicant is asked to interview and possibly participate in a training. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Whether or not the applicant meets the basic eligibility requirements to become a Certified Peer Specialist (18 or older, possesses either a high school diploma or GED, is a Wisconsin resident, has first-hand, personal lived experience navigating mental health or substance use)
  • Whether or not the applicant meets secondary eligibility requirements that are training-specific (belongs to the county, tribe, region, and/or community served by the particular training)
  • Whether or not the applicant is seeking employment or is already employed in a peer support position and/or a supervisory role to CPS (trainings are intended to serve workforce development efforts as part of an employment initiative)
  • Whether or not the applicant is a community member looking to use their personal experiences to support others towards recovery/wellness/meaningful living
  • How well the applicant is able to demonstrate an understanding of recovery principles, especially in such a way that supports self-determination of people with lived experience
  • Whether or not the applicant has experience offering peer support in a professional or personal setting

Because this training is the pre-requisite to registering for the state-approved CPS exam, and a pathway to working in a professional peer support role, applications demonstrating the following may not be given priority in the application review process:

  • Applicants seeking this certification simply as a resume booster
  • Applicants looking to obtain the certification but not go on to work in the role of a CPS or CPS supervisor
  • Applicants looking to use this training as the “next step in their recovery”
  • Applicants who show they do not support many pathways to recovery
  • Applicants only seeking certification in order to bill as a CPS while providing non-CPS services


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the role of a Certified Peer Specialist before applying. Click here to learn more about the role and work of a Certified Peer Specialist.

Filling Out and Submitting the Online Application

First, we highly recommend filling out and submitting the online training application form using a desktop computer or tablet and not a smart phone.

It is important that you answer all required questions (marked with an asterisk) on the online training application form. There are also formatting requirements in regard to dates and other fields (such as email address). If required fields are not answered in the application form or the fields are entered incorrectly, it will register as an error and your application will not be submitted to us when you press the “submit” button.

This is what happens if you try to submit an application with errors:

  • Applicant presses “submit” button
  • Instead of being redirected to the “application submission page,” the training application form page reloads
  • This page now contains language telling the hopeful applicant that some fields were entered incorrectly (applicant may need to scroll down to see this)
  • Incorrectly filled out or missing fields are highlighted in red
  • Applicant should fix errors and resubmit
  • Upon successfully addressing errors, the application submission page with a timestamp will appear (we recommend you print or save a print screen of this page when it appears) and a copy of the application will be sent to the applicant’s email address they provided alongside an outline of next steps

Please note: If the application form or event page reloads instead of the “application submission page,” there is something wrong with your application, and you will need to follow the instructions to address any errors.

What to Expect After Applying

Once the application deadline has passed or 50 applications are received (whichever is sooner), trainers will be sent applications to review, contact up to 30 applicants out of the total applicant pool for virtual interviews, and then select a final cohort of training participants after conducting virtual interviews. Though a maximum of 30 people will be contacted for interviews, everyone can expect to hear back about the final decision in regard to their application.

Please know that it may take some time for participant selection to be finalized, and we ask for your patience. Final selection decisions for this training may not be made until Monday, August 19th, 2024.


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