Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative

Statewide Job Opportunities

The goal of the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative (WIPSEI) is to promote the training, certification, and hiring of Certified Peer Specialists and Certified Parent Peer Specialists and support the improvement and expansion of peer support services throughout the state.

The employment announcements posted on this website only constitute the postings emailed directly to the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative. For other Certified Peer Specialist and Certified Parent Peer Specialist job opportunities please refer to the various job listings specific to your area. We recommend checking out Indeed (click here), the Job Center of Wisconsin (click here), county and state government job listings, as well as social media platforms that announce job openings like Facebook and LinkedIn.

When searching for jobs on sites like Indeed or the Job Center of Wisconsin, we recommend searching with key words like “peer support specialist,” “parent peer specialist,” “Certified Peer Specialist,” or “Certified Parent Peer Specialist.”

Hiring and want your CPS or CPPS-related job posting on this website?

Employers may submit peer specialist and parent peer specialist-oriented job postings to Kaeden Watford, Peer Specialist Workforce Development Coordinator at kaedenw@accesstoind.org for listing on this page. When submitting a job posting, please make sure to include a PDF version.

Job Posting Requirements for this Jobs PageĀ 

The WIPSEI has always reviewed job announcements sent our way from employers to ensure that the announcements posted below are peer specialist-related. We are also making some changes to better support workforce development in the peer specialist/parent peer specialist workforce and advance equity and accessibility.

All job postings shared on the WIPSEI’s job’s page must:

We also post CPS and CPPS-related jobs over our LinkedIn page (click here) and Facebook page (click here)!


Milwaukee, WI - Posted November 12, 2024


Milwaukee, WI - Posted November 5, 2024


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