
“Breaking down Stigma Barriers” – June 2024 Community of Practice

Play Webinar

June 2024 CPS & CPPS Community of Practice

“Breaking down Stigma Barriers”

with Angela Clements and Amy Polsin

Thursday, June 20th, 2024 from 1:30 – 3:00 pm CT

  • Angela Clements
    Angela Clements, a parent peer specialist, has worked with various agencies since 2018, including Family Strong, Wisconsin Community Services, Peer Specialist Limited, and Fresh Start Learning Inc. In her role, she not only supports families involved with Reach/Wraparound Services and the Comprehensive Community Services (CCS), Professional Foster Parents, Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and Trauma information Care but also serves as a trainer, group co-facilitator, advocate, and a connection to resources in the community. Angela’s commitment to healing and healthy choices, stemming from her own experiences as a parent of a loving son with mental health challenges and as a former foster parent, offers hope and encouragement to other parents and caregivers. Angela has become the caregiver to her beautiful granddaughter, who experiences trauma, and is now able to be the role model on the journey of healing and healthy choices. She loves traveling and spending time with her Princess.
  • Amy Polsin
    Amy Polsin has been a parent peer specialist with Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT) since 2008. In her role, she supports families involved with Coordinated Service Teams (CST) and the Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) and the Children Long Term Support waiver (CLTS). Amy has used her lived experience to provide support and hope to parents. Amy is a parent of two children, she shares her experience raising children with mental health needs with the parents she supports to promote and advocate for better outcomes for families.

In “Breaking Down Stigma Barriers”, you will learn how to: address and recognize stigma barriers, recognize what stigma looks like, how to use compassion, support, and understanding to address stigma and change outcomes.

Feedback Survey/CEH Information:

We invite you to please fill out the evaluation survey link (click here) if you attended this community of practice gathering or if you watch the recordingThe survey will close at 4:30pm on Thursday, July 4th. Certificates of Participation will be sent to those completing the evaluation form by 4:30pm on July 11th, 2024. No evaluation surveys will be accepted for CEH credit after the evaluation survey’s closing date/time. 

This website is managed and maintained by staff at Access to Independence working on the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative. The words, views, and values presented herein are not necessarily representative of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.


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