Below is the recertification process, including when a deadline is missed:
- Materials and payment due by (or if sending payment in via check/money order, postmarked by) the recertification deadline date of January 31st in the year due to recertify.
If deadline is missed:
- There is a 1 month grace period after the recertification deadline (in this grace period, a person may apply for recertification in the same fashion and be recertified with no penalty – their certificate may be slightly delayed as they missed the original deadline).
- After the 1 month grace period, CPPS has 6 months from their original recertification deadline date (January 31st) to still send in recertification materials and payment PLUS a $25 additional late processing fee (also payable to UWM-SCE) as long as all materials are received and/or postmarked within 6 months of the original recertification deadline. Total payment for recertification during this time is $80 ($55 recertification fee + $25 additional late processing fee = $80).
- After 6 months of missing the original recertification deadline (August 31st), CPPS will then need to re-take the exam and pass to re-certify. CPPS has 2 attempts to pass exam.
- If a CPPS has a lapsed recertification for 2 years or more, they need to retake the training and exam.
Image below reviews the timeline after recertification deadline is missed (click for clearer image):