July 2022 Supervisor’s of CPS & CPPS Community of Practice:

“Peer Support Values and Documentation”

July 28th, 2022 from 1:30pm-3pm CT


Victoria (Vic) Welle: Vic is peer support trainer who brings many years of experience providing peer support in diverse settings. Vic’s work experience includes community-based peer support, supervising peer supporters in a peer respite program, and working within the Comprehensive Community Services program in Wisconsin. Vic is a statewide trainer for the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative, a national trainer for Intentional Peer Support, and serves on the board of the peer-run organization Wisconsin Milkweed Alliance (WIMA).


Documentation, how do we complete this required task while holding true to our peer support values? Guest Facilitator, Vic Welle explored the topics, “Peer Support Values and Documentation,” with hope and engaged us in a broader conversation about values and advocacy around documentation on Thursday, July 28th, 2022. The Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative’s goal is to continue to provide mutually collaborative spaces where we all learn together to deepen our values in peer support while holding fidelity to the peer support framework.

We would love for you to share space with us each month, for our Communities of Practices as we will continue explore topics aligning with our work, supporting others and deepening our values. If you would like to stay informed or would enjoy receiving a reminder, please sign up to receive email updates by clicking About Us, then, scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up for updates on the latest news. We hope to engage with you soon!

We invite you to please fill out the evaluation survey link (click here) if you attended this community of practice gathering or if you watch the recordingThe survey will close at 4:30pm on Thursday, August 11th. Certificates of Participation will be sent to those completing the evaluation form by 4:30pm on August 18th, 2022. No evaluation surveys will be accepted for CEH credit after the evaluation survey’s closing date/time.

This website is managed and maintained by staff at Access to Independence working on the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative. The words, views, and values presented herein are not necessarily representative of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

February 2022 CPS & CPPS Community of Practice:

‘Something’s Changed’: When Youth are Struggling (Pandemic Impact Series)” ~ February 17th, 2022 from 1:30pm-3pm CST

Guest facilitators: Carmella Glenn of WI Department of Health Services and Kaziah Anderson of Just Dane

Carmella is CPS and CPS trainer and the Peer Run Respite & Peer Services Coordinator at the Division of Care and Treatment Services. Kaziah is a CPS and CPPS and is studying Community and Nonprofit Leadership at UW-Madison, with a focus on adolescent development and the effects of parental incarceration on children and families.


Guest facilitators, Carmella Glenn, CPS, CPS Trainer and Kaziah Anderson, CPS, CPPS, will facilitate a discussion on how those in peer specialist and parent peer specialist roles can respond to better support youth and our communities. The guest facilitators will also share how those in peer support roles have done just that with community collaborators and partners at East High School in Madison, WI in recent months.

When the violence at East High School escalated to the point of police macing students, Mom’s On A Mission (M.O.M.’s) was formed by 4 mothers of EHS students, who are also alumni of EHS. These M.O.M.s began forming a group to encourage the community to come out and support the students at EHS, in order for them to feel safe and supported. Some of the M.O.M.’s who were available, along with other community members, began going to lunch everyday to support the students, and the daily violence ended.

We invite you to please fill out the evaluation survey link (click here) if you attended this community of practice gathering or if you watch the recordingThe survey will close at 4:30pm on Thursday, March 3rd. Certificates of Participation will be sent to those completing the evaluation form by 4:30pm on March 10th, 2022. No evaluation surveys will be accepted for CEU credit after the evaluation survey’s closing date/time.

This website is managed and maintained by staff at Access to Independence working on the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative. The words, views, and values presented herein are not necessarily representative of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

November 30th, 2020

Ahmad Abojaradeh of Life in My Days, Caroline Mazel-Carlton of Wildflower Alliance, and IV Staklo of Trans Lifeline facilitate a discussion on how we move peer support forward into new spaces and think in innovative ways that center our unique communities.


This website is managed and maintained by staff at Access to Independence working on the Wisconsin Peer Specialist Employment Initiative. The words, views, and values presented herein are not necessarily representative of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.